What is 34-0-0 Fertilizer Used For? | Best Guide | Ammonium Nitrate

You will love this in-depth guide if you want to know what 34-0-0 fertilizer is used for.

But first, let me tell you what this number shows.

This number is the N-P-K ratio. Simply put, it shows the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium percentage.

So here’s what this fertilizer contains:

  • Nitrogen (N): 34%
  • Phosphorus (P): 0%
  • Potassium (K): 0%

Important Note: Ammonium nitrate is a fertilizer with an N-P-K rating of 34-0-0.

What is Ammonium Nitrate?

In terms of Chemistry, ammonium nitrate is the ammonium salt of nitric acid.

Here’s why this fertilizer is popular in agriculture.

ammonium nitrate 34-0-0 fertilizer

This fertilizer provides half of the Nitrogen in the ammonium form and half in the nitrate form.

Note that the nitrate form quickly reaches the roots with the soil water. In the same way, ammonium is also converted to nitrate by soil microorganisms.

Over here, I want to introduce the nitrification process to you.

Nitrification: In this process, ammonia is converted into nitrite and then to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria.

The simple equation below will help you understand its industrial production.

Nitric acid + Ammonia → Ammonium nitrate

HNO3 + NH3 → NH4NO3

Note that this fertilizer (34% Nitrogen) is less concentrated than Urea fertilizer (46-0-0).

What Does “34-0-0” Mean?

As I mentioned earlier, this shows the percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).

To understand NPK, you must remember three words.

Up, Down, and All-around

Here’s how high nitrogen in this fertilizer is useful.


Nitrogen is the go-to nutrient for powering any leaf, stem, and foliage growth.

Hence this represents the word up.

Nitrogen is also important for plant leaf growth because it is a major component of chlorophyll.

Now you might be wondering, what is chlorophyll?

This green pigment inside the leaf of a plant is necessary for photosynthesis. It absorbs sunlight and produces food (glucose) using water and carbon dioxide.

what does 34-0-0 fertilizer mean

This food is what the plant uses to make energy and grow.

A plant absorbs nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Fertilizers, animal wastes, and dead bacteria can be nitrogen sources.

Usually, a plant takes up nitrogen as NH₄⁺ and NO₃⁻ ions. It may also take up nitrogen in the form of nitrates.

Remember that a plant can also absorb nitrogen when absorbing water from the soil.

In short, Nitrogen is a key component of amino acids. This basic unit is what forms proteins and enzymes.


Nitrogen is the go-to nutrient for healthy, vibrant foliage and essential functions like photosynthesis.

Now let’s talk about the uses of this fertilizer.

What is 34-0-0 Fertilizer Used For?

This nitrogen fertilizer is great for leafy growth in plants.

Here are some of them:

Plants That Like 34-0-0 Fertilizer:

Overview: The 34-0-0 fertilizer is a great source of nitrogen. It contains 34% nitrogen and can be used to grow grass, corn, potatoes, barley, oats and wheat as well.

Plants That Like 34-0-0 Fertilizer


Lettuce is a leafy plant and generally needs more nitrogen.

As nitrogen is used in leaf development, it is the most essential nutrient for lettuce.

This high nitrogen content is what will produce dark green leaves.

So, the 34-0-0 is a great choice for leafy vegetables like lettuce that need plenty of nitrogen.

This takes us straight to the next plant.


Spinach loves nitrogen.

Fertilizing spinach is practically the same as fertilizing lettuce. As they are both leafy vegetables, they both need more nitrogen.

After four weeks into the ground, fertilize it with 34-0-0. At this time, the nitrogen requirement of spinach is the highest.

However, phosphorus and potassium are also important macronutrients for spinach.

So if your soil lacks phosphorous and potassium, a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10 or 20-20-20, can be a better choice.

Now, let’s talk about lawns.


Lawns are generally fertilized with a balanced fertilizer that provides sufficient nitrogen and other nutrients.

However, if there are signs of nitrogen deficiency, 34-0-0 is a great choice to rescue your lawn.

Nitrogen deficiency is what prevents lush green lawns.

However, in some cases, a balanced fertilizer can be a better option. Therefore, a soil test is a good investment for personalized recommendations.

Here are some general uses of ammonium nitrate (34-0-0) as a fertilizer.

General Uses:

  • Due to a large amount of Nitrogen, it promotes the healthy growth of foliage (leaves).

As I mentioned above, nitrogen is a part of the chlorophyll molecule. This makes your plants green.

  • 34-0-0 is water soluble and is used as a foliage spray, which can be directly applied to the plant.

Suppose your plant is suffering from nutrient deficiency. We can use foliar spray to overcome this.

What is 34-0-0 Fertilizer Used For

It can also be used as a solution for fertigation.

This way, fertilizer will be provided to the plant by the irrigation system.

This happens because ammonium nitrate is highly soluble.

When discussing its uses, we often compare ammonium nitrate fertilizer to urea fertilizer. So here’s what you need to know.

Ammonium Nitrate vs Urea:

Urea has 46% Nitrogen content, while the 34-0-0 fertilizer has 34%. But here’s a thing.

You must be careful while applying urea, as excessive nitrogen can cause burning.

  • Ammonium nitrate lasts longer in soil than urea.

Let me explain.

When applied, urea is mostly lost in the atmosphere due to its conversion to ammonia.

On the other hand, ammonium nitrate stays in the soil until the plant consumes all of its nutrients.

  • Urea is a slow-release fertilizer, whereas 34-0-0 is instantly available for uptake.

Urea is designed to release its nutrients into the soil slowly.

As urea has a large amount of nitrogen, instantly releasing it in the soil will burn the plant.

Rather it slowly releases its nutrients which prevents any environmental pollution.

On the other hand, the 34-0-0 is instantly available for the plant to consume.

As it has less nitrogen than urea, this will not cause burning.

  • Urea lowers soil pH over time, whereas 34-0-0 increases it.

The urea fertilizer’s nutrients acidify the soil’s pH over time.

While it is the opposite for 34-0-0.

This can be helpful or harmful according to the plant’s needs.

Further reading:

The Ultimate Guide To Fertilizing Lawn in Florida

DAP Fertilizer Made Simple | 7 Amazing Uses

Generally, the use of fertilizers helps to prevent disease and pest damage.

Pretty simple.

How and When to Apply 34-0-0 Fertilizer?

When applying fertilizers, you have to be extremely careful. Note that over-applying can badly damage your plant.

So, here’s the step-by-step guide.

  • Firstly, you should perform a soil test.

By doing this, you will be able to identify the nitrogen levels in your soil.

how to apply 34-0-0 fertilizerr

This way, you can identify the amount of fertilizer your soil needs.

  • Apply 157.5 – 315 ml for 1000 square feet of ground or soil.

Depending on your soil condition, you can add 3 pounds per 1000 square feet.

  • If you apply the fertilizer in granular form, spread it evenly by hand.

You can also use a fertilizer spreader. When applying, spread it in a circular manner (away from any exposed roots).

  • After application, water it properly so that it merges into the soil.

This will ensure that the nutrients reach the root system of the plant.

  • If you are using water-soluble fertilizer, apply it using a water can.

Apply it according to the package instructions, and you are good to go.

When to Apply?

Let me tell you that the 34-0-0 fertilizer lasts up to 3-4 weeks.

So you should re-apply the fertilizer after every month during the growing seasons of the plant.

The fertilizer should also be applied when the nitrogen intake of the plant is high.

For your reference, nitrogen intake is high during the late vegetative and early reproductive stages.

To summarise, use this fertilizer after winter. You can use it in spring or early spring, depending on your soil condition.

Can I use 34-0-0 Fertilizer for Grass?

Quick answer: Yes, you can use the ammonium nitrate fertilizer for your lawn. Here’s why.

If we talk about lawn grass, it needs a steady nitrogen supply. This fertilizer is an excellent source of nitrogen.

Can you recall the percentage of nitrogen in this fertilizer?

Since nitrogen promotes foliar growth and color, it makes your grass greener. But here are some things that you should consider as well.

Your lawn grass requires other nutrients as well.

For example:

Phosphorus: It promotes root and flower growth and early establishment as well.

Potassium: It enhances your plants’ ability to use nitrogen.

In the same way, nutrients such as copper, molybdenum, zinc, manganese, and boron are also essential.

So the overuse of nitrogen without providing other nutrients can make your soil infertile.

If you over-apply this fertilizer, you may face “chemical burns” and an acidic environment. In short, this fertilizer can fulfill the nitrogen requirements.

But you should be careful when applying it.

Note: The ideal time for fertilizing your grass is when the temperature reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This time is usually from March to April but can also vary according to your location.

Can I Use 34-0-0 Fertilizer For Potatoes?

Quick answer: This fertilizer can be a good choice during the first two months.

Can I Use 34-0-0 Fertilizer For Potatoes?

As you know that growing potatoes is challenging. They need well-draining soil, full sun, and a temperature between 50-70 ℉.

We use different fertilizers at different times for the best growth. So here’s what you should know.

The potato plant requires around 3 to 4 months to develop.

  • During the time of plantation: You should use a balanced NPK fertilizer such as 15-15-15 or 18-18-18 fertilizer.
  • During the first two months: The potato needs more nitrogen. So you should apply the 34-0-0 fertilizer because it has high nitrogen content.
  • A month before harvesting: The crop requires more potassium. So you should can 12-12-17 or 14-7-21 fertilizer as well.

Can I Use 34-0-0 Fertilizer For Corn?

Generally, corn likes a balanced fertilizer which provides them with all the nutrients in a great quantity.

They are generally fertilized by a 10-10-10, mostly during their growing stages.

But at the V8 stage of corn, it needs more nitrogen.

So, 34-0-0 at this stage is what the crop needs because of its high nitrogen.

This stage appears 30-35 after the crop has emerged from the soil and develops an eight-leaf clover.

It also requires well-drained soil and high sunlight.

Now you might be wondering, how often to fertilize corn? The answer is simple.

During its growth cycle, it should be fertilized 3 times:

  1. Before planting.
  1. When the plants are 4 weeks old.
  1. When they are 8 – 10 weeks old.

Over here, recall that corn must be watered properly due to its deep roots. You can also water it deeply once a week during its growth stage.

Apart from nitrogen, corn requires other nutrients as well:

Calcium: To build healthy cell walls.

Phosphorus: For fruit and flower production.

Potassium: It helps to retain water and nutrients.

So this was all about growing corn.

Wrapping Up:

So, there you have it.

Our topic about “what is 34-0-0 fertilizer used for” is covered. To recap, this fertilizer is a great source of Nitrogen.

But you should be careful when applying it. This is because applying more than required can lead to stunted growth.

You can also use this fertilizer to grow corn, wheat, barley, potatoes, and grass. And if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.

Let me know which part of this topic you enjoyed reading the most. Stay tuned for more.

What is 34-0-0 Fertilizer Used For? | Best Guide | Ammonium Nitrate

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